Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are we really 50?

This is a monumental year for myself (much later in the year) and all my dear friends from high school and back to elementary school. We are all turning 50. I've made a small investment in every 50 year old Hallmark card and others that I can find in hopes of making this transition easier for all of us. Last year my best friend in the whole world, Pat, turned 50 with such dignity and ease that I know I can too. My dear friend from the Lake, Lee Ann turned 50 as well last year. We share the exact same birthday, she always breaks the ice for me to enter the next decade with as much ease as she did.

So all the locals we could gather on any given Saturday in April did. We met at Sandy Postmans and Yannis Antoniadis home. A wonderful place for gatherings. They do them so well. We chatted and had a pot luck dinner.

Here below you will see all of us. I'll try to get our names to appear correctly as we are lined up. We together have been friends for over 40 years. Sandy and Ron twins born in March 1960. There are so many more who should be in this photo with us. But just a start to many events of the year as we all become half centurions.

Keith, Francene, Sandy, Stephanie, myself (Heidi), Roseanne, Laurel, Tracy, Jim, and Ron

Ten of us equals 500 years of knowledge there! YIKES!

You see our birthday cake there with the candles lit, we would have set Sandy's house on fire if we all had our own set of 50. I think there are 10, each representing 5 years!


  1. Fun. What great friends and memories.

  2. It's great that you have been friends for so many years what a great thing to celebrate.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland