Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bethany is 30

Today my neice-in-law is 30. She is feeling old. I am not sure I can have much sympathy for her as I stare down half a century and would give anything to be at my 30 year mark rather than pushing 50 in a big way. I have gotten to know her through her wonderful ramblings on her blog. Thus she has inspired me to do the same with my humble blog as well.
Her post today is heartfelt and once again shows the depth of her thoughts, memory and emotions. I could not begin to cover each year of my life with such thought and conviction.
Tomorrow she and my nephew Andy arrive in DC/NYC for a whirlwind tour of 2 major cities in 4 short days that will zoom. How can you do DC/NYC in 4 days. Not sure but we will try and succeed to our contentment. I am so looking forward to being able to spend time with her in person and get to know the woman she has become. As we celebrate her 30 years of life and 10 years of marriage to my nephew Andy.


  1. Nope! no sympathy....till your pushing 50, then you'll understand!
    Can't wait till tomorrow!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland