Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Mom's tree: ornaments no lights!

My tree: lights no ornaments! It is what it is!

Karen showing off one of Mom's many mini sweater ornaments for the Haywoods

Mom with her own home made scarf! She loves it!

The day has come and gone and all but the memories remain.
My sister Holly is 60. Mom, Kate and I got her good with our gift. That makes me happy.
Tim surprised me with 3 lovely gifts of gems. Two Aquamarine: a ring and necklace and an Emerald necklace too! He is a Gem of a man.
I love my little family sweaters Mom made for the whole family. Kate gave me the gift of the hardware! Holly does not understand that one! Holly sent yummy Washington State fruit, fresh from the tree! Pat gave me his wonderful candy and the gift of a day of yard work in the spring, a true gift from the heart, the gift of time.
Above are a few shots from the day.

Friday, December 25, 2009

My sister is 60!

And here are 60 of the reasons we love her!

Sixty reasons why we love Holly
With more love than we can fathom, From Mom, Kitti and Heidi
From Mom:
1. She says funny “Hollyisms”.
2. She is my “water baby”.
3. She lets you know what she really thinks and feels, but kindly.
4. She deliberately lives minimally and joyfully, yet keeps cherishes a few treasured things.
5. She knuckled down and finished her bachelor’s degree-because she should.
6. She makes any space she lives in into a welcoming home. Can make do with lack of conveniences cheerfully.
7. She knows when she’s had “enough”.
8. Honest to the core.
9. Even saves spiders.
10. Has the skill of saying things the right way.
11. Can leave &/or divorce a man sand stay a good friend.
12. Rows her own boat.
13. Very committed to any task she accepts.
14. Honors individuals from parents to children.
15. Wishes the best for everyone and is not envious or jealous.
16. Encourages others to push beyond their comfort zones.
17. Hard worker-determined to accomplish goals she sets.
18. Finds the good and is tolerant of others.
19. Loves others Children as her own.r
20. Put up with me (Mom).
From Kate:
21. She is my twin.
22. She is in every memory I have.
23. She is smarter about people than any psychiatrist.
24. She is honest; even when it hurts.
25. She loves the Lake as much as I do.
26. She respects all life; even bugs.
27. She makes me belly laugh until I snort.
28. She makes three sisters; a perfect triangle.
29. She can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
30. She can live on love alone.
31. Only she can give us “Hollyisms” such as:
a. Cease and detest.
b. By the skin of her neck.
c. Listening to my college professors made my speech more affluent.
32. She can allow herself to love lovable dogs.
33. She sees the best in people.
34. She is a shinning beacon for Living Simply.
35. She sees more beauty in the stars and the sparkle on the water than in diamonds; and she sees flaws in diamonds.
36. She is the most giving mother and grandmother in the world.
37. She is the best advisor I’ve ever had.
38. She loves rocks as much as I do and she knows a good one when she sees it.
39. She is my partner in crime.
40. She never stole a boyfriend. But she could have.
From Heidi:
41. She thrives at being a minimalist and thinks everyone else should be too.
42. She is generous to a fault.
43. She can ALWAYS find a good thing to say about a person, no matter what the situation.
44. She may seem like she has a tough external shell, but she is very sentimental and tender.
45. She always had fun in her MGB. She would drive Tracy and me to school and drive in circles at the intersection and make us laugh till we cried! She saved Dad’s hat to drive in that car with the top down!
46. She will get something done 80% and then hand it over to me to PLEASE finish; she just could never do it. And when you finish, she would make you feel like a million dollars for the simplest thing.
47. She is a loyal friend to few, and those she calls friend are blessed.
48. She is the best youngest sister in the world.
49. She loves it when I cook her a meal. Any meal will do. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. She will love every bite and then loves doing all the dishes.
50. She loves to wash things. In the dishwasher she makes glass shiny clean. And then she places them just so to admire them. She loves anything to do with water. Washing clothes, watering the yard, swimming, showers (outside are best).
51. She loves her family, and will do anything within her power for them.
52. If she does set her mind to do something, she will finish it 100%, and then some.
53. She wears just the basic colors. NO patterns, stripes, prints. She loves her nightgown and slippers.
54. She is all or nothing. And not much in between.
55. She can massacre the English language like no tomorrow. (See Hollyisms above). But you always know what she is trying to say. (“Time to step up to the bat”, “All of the sudden”)
56. She loves her son; he is her love, dove, world. And now she loves his world with his wife and son.
57. She keeps her word. If she tells you she is going to do something, she does.
58. She loves ALL animals. She taught me how to safely take a spider outside without killing it. They live outside; she says they just get lost in our house.
59. She loves dark chocolate.
60. We love Holly because she is our daughter and our sister, we are lucky to call her friend.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Snow Snow

I think we will have a white Christmas.
We have over 22 inches!
And no plow down the road!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 days till Christmas and I did what?

This ia a stained glass window Mom made for me over 10 years ago, she is now inspired to make herself a tiffany lamp!

So, tonight Mom and I ventured to the land of Kensington's mini warehouse district and Mom signed up for a Tiffany lamp class. It is from 7-9 pm and she does not like to drive at night, in fact the last time she did she was in tears. SO. I drove her tonight. I will be the facilitator for her lamp project. I am a bit excited, just not so sure how much help I'll be, other than encouragement and the ability to help her with glass selecton and to cut the easy little square bits along the top and bottom. We chose a poinsettia pattern with a grid at the top and bottom. We will make the flowers pink and whitish, with blue and green back rounds (to keep me happy!)

My tree is not up, my cards are out. My presents are mostly wrapped thanks to the lovely weekend Mom and I had at the beach. We shopped till we dropped, watched "you've got mail". I cannot imagine Mom had never seen that cute movie with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Very cute Little romance movie. Almost as cute as how I met my Tim. Maybe one day I'll write the screen play and we'll all live happily ever after on the royalties......not, but it is always fun to dream! Drew Carry could play Tim and me..........Queen Latifa! ha ha ha.

Anyway all is well here in the un-chirstmas tree house. We'll get er up soon! I am sure. I am done with call for the week, I've done my promised class with Mom, now all I have to do is work about 30 more hours, mail a bizillion packages, decorate a tree, wrap more packages, bake 2 yummo pumpkin treats for Christmas dinner at Mary's, help Mom with her Christmas eve dinner.........have I forgotten anything? I am sure I have.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday already!

We have had a busy and long week here.

Yesterday most of the day it snowed. Tim and I stayed home, he has a cold/allergy and did not have it in him to drive to Delaware. Not a problem with me! I thought we'd stay home and I'd get the tree up. It is 1230 on Sunday and no tree up. But sitting here typing I have encouragement from my lack of doing.

I made my infamous waffles this morning for breakfast. Jesus wound up staying here last night as the roads were not in any shape to start a 2300 mile road trip to Phoenix and on to Los Moches, Mexico. So both Tim and Jesus were like little kids when I asked if they wanted waffles. Of course I obliged! I watched my Sunday morning show and now see all the snow melting....I'll open the curtains and get the tree up and start decorating.

We have our first ever artificial tress with lights pre strung. I convinced Tim it would be easier for him and cut down on the crisp tree and needles issue we have in January. I'll let you know what I think of the whole thing soon.

Otherwise all is the same here on Conover Drive. No cat, no dog, one wonderful husband, one very cluttered office, one clean house, one clothes closet that is in desperate need of cleaning, One cherry desk I need to sell on Craig's list.

But the Christmas cards are mailed. Yea! And I've made a list of what I still need to buy. Now to that tree and to start wrapping some of the gifts I need to mail.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jesus is leaving Maryland

My sister, Holly, arrived 10 years ago with a new husband! A surpries to all of us, as they had eloped! That was not the deal we had had when she said she would move out here from California and we would live together. I bought the house I am in with Holly in mind so she would be happy living here. Well, she kept up her end of the deal, she did move out here, but with a 36 year old Mexican husband in tow, who was quite nice, but spoke very little English. They moved in to the basement bedroom and I began to adjust to my sister at 49 and her husband 36, going on 16. He grew on me. They were here 5 years, I met a man who would become my husband. They moved out and I have adjusted to my own wonderful husband of 5 years. Holly and Jesus divorced after 10 years of marriage. Their marriage had it's ups and downs, as I think a lot of marriages do that don't work daily on making the relationship work. My manicurist at my bridal weekend in Rehoboth gave me sage piece of advice on marriage: don't let both of you fall out of love at the same time. When she told me this I thought it was odd advice to give to a bride. Little did I know what sage and experienced advice it was! I think that is what happened with Holly and Jesus.

I drove Holly out west last October. She made a new life in Chelan in a canyon out of town with Gloria and David as neighbors. She is helping to raise her grandson Will.

Jesus stayed in Maryland long after they separated and divorced. Now his family in Mexico needs him. His father is 94 and still farming. His mother misses him daily. His parents have raised 9 children and Jesus is the furthest from home. Two still live on the family farm land.

Jesus leaves for Mexico on Saturday. May he travel safely to his destinations and his brothers help keep him safe in Mexico. I will miss him. He is a good man. I hope he finds love and happiness in his home land.

Farewell Pinnynola

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas cards

My weekend in a nutshell. I LOVE CHRISTMAS cards! I've done about 190. I am almost done, just the drebs, and the people I know have moved and I do not have their new address.

48 hours of Christmas music on the TV cable channel. Time for my own selection. I like my own Christmas music much better! Ever heard of the Roaches? They sing beautiful harmony and make Christmas songs rock.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Look for your card in the mail soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

Pilgrams and Candles.
Mom and Garry at a beautiful table.
The perfect "Norman Rockwell" Thanksgiving Turkey at Eileens.

Eileen and Joe put on the best Thanksgiving.

Wonderful meal, wonderful company.

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

I am thankful for (in NO particular order):

*my loving husband
*a mom who is active and vital at 86
*loving sisters who mean the world to me
*adoring nieces and nephews with a huge family that they welcome me into
*music, my ipod music is found! at least it is on the computer now!
*a new great nephew-Gideon.
*a car that is very comfy and makes me want to go places
*a relaxing home in Rehoboth beach
*many girlfriends who some of which i have a hard time remembering not knowing, I can count on them for anything any time
*a warm home with all I could ever want
*a good job
* the ability to life a good life
*the ability to type rather fast....usually!
*the gift of photography
*adopted family, everyone needs a home

that is all for now, I am sure I will add to this list often.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

Thanksgiving Eve

I love this time of year. Funny really as I have terrable allergies to all the mold and wet. I dread the days getting shorter, going and coming home in the dark from work. And yet, I love the food, the comradery, the time with family and friends.

I am thankful for all I have and lucky to be where I am in life.

My pies are made. Two pumpkin, one pecan and one key lime. I wasnted to make a pumpkin chiffon pie, but the grocery was out of pumpkin! Can you imagine!

Happy Thanksgiving one and all.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

An early mini Thanksgiving

Tim and I always love to attend Thanksgiving at Eileens house. We just miss the left over Turkey for sammies after. SO. Today after Tim watched Dallas pull through with a win aganist the Redskins in Dallas....... we had a mini Thanksgiving dinner with Mom. Cooked up an 18 lb bird, mashed potatoes, a yummy yam/apple mashed dish (I must jot down the recipe as to how I did it, as I loved it, but Tim does not eat yams......) Tim had lima beans (his fave, not mine!), Mom made a trial run of her spaikopita for Eileens and an interesting cabbage cheese dish. And I made a gigundo batch of my cranberry sauce, Mom and Jasen at work (my 2 official tasters since Tim won't eat that either) both say it is great. So my Thanksgiving/Christmas presents for everyone at work are done. One less thing to stress over after Thanksgiving. All 10 of my employees will get a generous dish of yummy cranberry chutney/sauce for their Thanksgiving table.

That is it in a nutshell for today. No photos, but will on Thursday.

Friday was another story. Long story short, all is well. BUT. My sister Kate landed herself in the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) She had an episode of high blood pressure. 220/110. NOT GOOD. Many tests later and a 24 hour monitor in the CICU where every one commented on the fact that she was so young and walking and able to care for herself. She drove herself home on Sat. and took it easy today. Needless to say there will be more to follow. But OY, she tests my strength. Once again I get to call Holly and tell her Kate is in the ER and we don't know what is wrong with her. I delivered the whole story to Mom in person. She took it well.

I hope all goes well with the rest of her tests. But please keep her near the top of your prayer lists!

And now it is back to work on Monday! But a short week for a real Thanksgiving at Eileens with 15 or so. A small group, but will be so very nice as usual.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Birthday weekends

I kindof liked the last one. And the other 2 are perfect photos!

What a wonderful week of birthday treats. Thursday night Tim took me to dinner at a favorite restaurant I had forgotten all about. A little Italian place in Wheaton: Christina's. We had a lovely dinner at an intimate table in the window where we watched the goings on of Wheaton.

Tim pampered me all weekend in Rehoboth Beach. Saturday breakfast in bed! Yummo. I ran errands all day at the outlets (I was a shopping fool at the outlets, unusual actually I am rarely at the outlets. The hardware store is more my speed). I found a perfect little giftie for all the west coast families, something for Tim, hostess gift for Eileen for hostessing Thanksgiving again, a present for Kate, Justin and Mom. My Christmas paper......I love doing Christmas cards. I could probably make money doing cards for people. I think I need to have my head examined.

Tim says I am not allowed to bring one more card in the house until I use up 90% of what I have. SO, hold on to your hats, all you birthday card recipients! They are about to get weird. Birthday post cards, hand made cards to birthday cards. Note cards to birthday cards. I mail over 80 birthday cards a year. And funny, this year got only 3 or 4. But had a wonderful birthday. Back to the birthday pampering weekend.

Flowers arrived Saturday. Photo to attach soon! I promise. I am getting better at this stuff.

Dinner was turkey breast (who says you have to wait for Thanksgiving!), mashed potatoes and broccoli.

Sunday we drove home and listened to the Redskins actually win a game! Sunny is so funny on the radio. I had to concentrate to visualize the game. Actually quite scary I could do that, but I did! I even made some comments before Sunny!

We arrived home in time for Tim to watch Dallas, but he quit watching at half time and fixed my computer. I had major problems. So, my computer is now fixed!
I'm back to blogging!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day 2009

Happy Veteran's Day to all who have served our wonderful country.
My Dad, my husband and my brother and his wife have all served in the military. My brother-in-law and his two grandsons are Navy men as well. I really knew very little about any branches of the military until I married Tim. He and his family are all military. His Dad, Brother, Sister, brother-in-law, nephews are all in the military. His Grandmother is buried at Arlington Cemetery. She was a military nurse and his Grandfather Larcombe served as well. My dad is buried in Gettysburg and my brother rests in the most beautiful spot in the pacific north west.

My hat goes off to all listed above. If I were ultra uber organized I'd scan and post all the photos I have of the above listed family members in their uniform, but I am not. And I am at work, so cannot look for the photos. But the intention is there. Don't be surprised if I do that next year! When I will have my whole house organized cause I am doing each task as a little project!

Today I get to celebrate an early birthday with Mom and Kate, we are going to a Polish Pottery place and I get to pick a serving dish I need and then we are going to dinner at Clyde's in Columbia. A fun birthday celebration with the local women. Tomorrow Tim and I are going to choice!

Annie Burkholder at work brought me yummy apple scrapple bread from Great Harvest today. And an oatmeal raisin cookie. Two of my favorites. She is my fellow Scorpio November birthday.

Mom has made my birthday cranberry muffins with butter sauce. I can hardly wait to have them tonight!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Angela it is, the new renter for MOM.

I stopped by Mom's tonight to give her a hair cut. She was in the midst of making my all time favorite casserole. Georgia Jackson Casserole, named after the woman at NIH who made up the dish; your basic noodles (skinny little egg ones), hamburger spices topped with cream cheese and sour cream with chives and just in case there were not enough calories a little cheddar on top to melt.....YUMO. I'll share the recipe with anyone who is interested....does anyone read this?
So we made dinner, I loaded photos from the trip into her computer, showed her how to send photos......another 100 times and she might have it, at least she is willing to try and learn! I gave her a hair cut. We found some lost items in her microsoft IN box, hidden in those pesky little files that close themselves!

And then a miracle happened. When you don't worry about something some times it just takes care of itself. Our housekeeper Silva's neighbor is selling her house. She needs a place to stay. She is a lovely woman who wants to stay in Kensington. Yippie! She called my cell phone, came over and saw the apt., and it is a good fit.

I think she moves in on November 24, 2009. Wahooo.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rappahanock county studio tour

A fun day with Pat to visit in the car and see beautiful rolling hills of Rappahonock County Virginia. Saw some wonderful art in the county and mostly had a relaxing day.

Found a 5th anniversary present for Tim. Did not snap a shot, but ran out of room on Mom's card, will remedy that tomorrow. I just might be getting this photo thing.......

If I had unlimited funds I would have bought this stained glass for $750.00. But Mom could make it for much less and it would mean so much more!
The other art just caught my eye and probably will last longer in a photo than if I had spent all that money!

A very nice relaxing day!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

bathroom unclutter

Bethany had posted a blog spot to inspire you to clean your house for the holidays.
I am starting small (I thought) with just cleaning under the bathroom sink in the hall bath that Tim and I both use. Which prompted a quick response from Tim that we could also fix the little plugum thing that has been broken for years....add one hour......Tim trying and getting frustrated with my "help", so he told me to try and I fixed it! Viola! I am so proud of myself! I fit in there under the sink with half my body under there and my arms in the air to tighten a mini screw to make the plug go up and down! Shew.
Then on to the toilet paper holder which keeps spewing the holder at me instead of holding the paper. One mini screw driver later and the whole thing is in much better shape. Also tightened the flusher handier while I was in the bathroom with a screw I think the toilet has a slow leak, since I've just spent an hour on the floor going through the drawers under the sink.
Which is what this "little get ready for the holiday project started as".

How many lotions does one person need? I am going to donate those 30 mini lotions to a homeless shelter. Smelling good in a time of crisis must be a good thing.
And I am giving all my bubble bath stuff to Pat, who takes a bath far more often than I do. I don't think I can tell you the last time I had a bath, shower yesterday!

So, we also have a new fridge. Frozen tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce are not a pretty thing! Now we have replaced the stove, dishwasher and fridge since Tim has arrived........which is getting to be quite a while at this point! Time for new counters and a sink, but that always gets the back burner as it is quite expensive.

Tim only wants current photos on the fridge, so time to take Bethany and Andy's wedding announcement photo down, Karen and Suzie at Todd and Andreas wedding.....and too many others.....perhaps I'll start a bulletin board in my office.........when I get that organized! That would not be today!

I was so tired of being a pretzel on the floor, I just had to quit mid sort and get out and blog! Actually I had to urinate and could not get to the toilet with all my sorting on out to the other bathroom........shew peaked under it's sink and there is only TP from our last Costco shop.

Now the medicine cabinets in both bathrooms just might get a cleaning today too! I love to be organized! Thanks Bethany!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Odd topic I know. But have been to 2 recently and do not want mine like those. Don't have to worry really they were Catholic. And one thing I am not is Catholic. Too many idol worshiping things going on there. And how can you reproduce when the leaders of the church don't do it? How can you make more little Catholic? But I digress.
The 2 funerals were very similar. Very ritualistic. Stand up sit down, recite things back. Stop in the middle of the lords prayer with a mini prayer in it. Smelled good to me, the incense was relaxing. And the songs were OK. I really like their on Eagles wings. Each had a priest speak, related their lives to the bible. Really most folks don't live like that any more. One a son spoke, with great difficulty and the other a family friend spoke. Each represented only small parts of the persons life. We all have so many facets to our lives, I'd think each would need to be represented.
I'd like my funeral to be more like a Quaker one. Almost like a fast and testimony meeting like the Mormons do, only about me! Everyone can say their peace and feel better that I've been around.
Hopefully this will not happen for a long time and I'll go to more funerals that are more personal.........or not so ritualistic.
I think I am burring the rice and fish.......must zoom

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Not one Trick-or-treater!

Cest la vie. We live in far apart houses and mostly full of retired old folks. I guess I should have known we would not get any when our neighbors with 3 children across the street piled in their car and zoomed out of the neighborhood at 1830!

I am almost sick of Reeses! (NOT!)

Had a wonderful day watching football with my husband. OUR only prenup was that I learn to know and love football. (I should have added we would always have a cat, but at the time I thought Kelly and Allis would live forever) He has created a monster!

My Dad must not have been into football, and if he was I do not recall in my tender years of growing up with him. He was gone when I was 10, and the 18 months or so before he died he was so busy trying to live, I don't think he watched much TV, except Mash and Star Trek! I do remember him watching those! But as usual, I digress.

Today I gloated over Dallas beating Seattle. Two of my favorite team outfits (but I am not allowed to comment on such girlie thoughts anymore! Although I used to be far more interested in their backsides. But having my own manly backside to look at all the time, the uniforms seem to be of more interest.) But did love Romo doing his quarterback thing and sad to say I was glad Seattle lost, only because my home team known as the dead skins are so pathetic this year, and I know most of my west coast relatives are die hard Seattle fans. (Love the accent color on the uniforms)

This year I bought Tim 4 tickets to four home Redskins game for his birthday. I had no idea what generous gift this was until the bill came! (we actually split the 8 home games with a surgeon at work)....but, again, I digress. He has gone to 2 of the home games. One being the day I came home from Portland/Seattle and the other last Monday when I was still under the weather with my cold/H1N1 episode. The Redskins lost both. Making Tim happy as he is a Dallas fan from when he was a boy and followed the Navy guy......whose name escapes me at this minute.......I'd be getting demerits in the Prenup venue here. But Tim does not read this So I am safe! STAUBACK!!!!!!!!!!! She is redeemed!

Then I watched my Bret Favre beat Green Bay. Just desserts for Green Bay....not taking him back and having to watch him play for their rival. Oh what a day of football. And then my 2 favorite shows. Extreme home makeover and Desperate Housewife's. I am getting pretty far on my knitting......that baby is due Nov. 19. I don't think I'll make the C-section date, but will be very close! If I were as good as Bethany I could snap a photo and zip it would be in here!
Cest la vie!

Anyone volunteer? I think I should take something up. I want to do an animal shelter, but fear I will then be begging to bring every animal home they are putting down the next day.........and Tim will give me a resounding NO.

So, perhaps habitat for humanity. Help the homeless in the area.

Time to brush my teeth and get rid of the last mini Reeses I just inhaled!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween's finally here

I don't have a pumpkin, but love all the postings of carved pumpkins from the kiddlebugs out west. (please post more)

It is a windy day here in Rehoboth Beach. I better get dressed and zip out to the grocery to get some Reeses.....might as well have left overs we love, according to Tim. Personally I'd get something I'd never eat, to save me from the added calories that I do not need. Don't get me wrong. I love a Reeses.

I will dig out a photo of me in my favorite Halloween costume. I was Raggety Ann. Mom made the costume for me, I loved it. I think I even made her make me another one when I outgrew the first one. I don't think kids even read about Raggety Ann and Andy any more. I loved the adventures of Raggety Ann. I had all the books. I'd bet they are in the attic with my "hope chest". Guess my hopes do not include children. I should see if they are there and offer them to someone who even knows who she is!

My girlfriend Tracy always made cool costumes that involved papermache and boxes and wire with chicken mesh over it. She had brothers and Halloween always had the gory side to it at her house. The Kestner household had the innocent no gore side. I was Ragetty Ann for at least 3 Halloweens (by my own choosing) A Heidi, with brades and a goat, an Indian princess, a Williamsburg era lady, do not remember any more, I am sure there are more.

(Update on 3-15-10....looking for photos of David as a baby I found these) So here I am in all my 6 year old glory. I LOVED this costume! I was surprised to find the one below from the next year at 7. I thought I was Raggety Ann for years. Maybe I went back to her. But here are 2 costumes my Mom lovingly made for me!

I do need to clean out my boxes in Mom's attic. But that is for another day.

Mom has found a 4th cousin from the Sturgis line! She is beside herself with excitement. And I am with her. She has been at a dead end with 2 Sturgis relatives from England for over 30 years. She posted a question on a web site and many months later she had a note from a 4th cousin in England who knows all about those distant grandparents. PRESTO! No longer at a dead end, but answers to many questions and more relatives! Living! He is Jim Sturgis! A jackpot of information. She is one cool computer granny. I love having an APB call from her to help her with her computer. This morning she was beside herself thinking she had deleted her mail. With the help of my wonderful husband and me we helped her find her link to and her Sturgis cousins. She makes 86 look pretty dang good!

Happy Halloween one and all. And don't forget your genealogy!

Monday, October 26, 2009


the sisters Suzie and Minner ninner noo.

Alaina the little Indian Princess with 5 brothers, soon to be 6! A perfect Halloween costume from Audrey at work. Thank you Audrey!

Healing Chicken soup

Tim gets a gold medal in tending to the ill this weekend. My juice glass was never empty, he reminded me every 4 hours to take more Tylenol. Saturday he made the best healing huge crock pot of chicken soup I've ever had. I had one small bowl full and just wanted a cup of broth the next time. He delivered said broth in a perfect cup, all warm and healing as it soothed by tired coughing, aching throat. And not to be out done by himself on Sunday he made a batch of white chicken chilly for me that was amazing. I had that for dinner tonight and am off to bed with warm tummy full of soup.
Tim on the other hand is at Redskins stadium watching the Eagles fly over the Redskins like they don't exist. I watched the first quarter, have showered and am off to bed. I cannot watch anymore and I need the sleep.
May he stay warm and enjoy the Eagles game in Washington!

The death of a father

Today I learned of the death of an old beau's father. A man who could have been a father-in-law had life and love been different. I mourn the loss of a man who I grew to know over 5 years of love and courtship of his youngest son. I became one with a family of laughter and love. My heart is aching with a family I once new as family and time has trimmed the sails of our relationship. I am blessed to still call Justin my good friend. I suppose time cannot errase memories and events. I know his loss. I too have lost a father and will forever long to be in his company.
I saw Justin's mother as a patient on a fluke one day and all those emotions came rolling back, like a blanket once treasured, and tucked away for posterity. Thirty years is a long time to know someone. Mrs. Bartels is a gem of a woman. She raised 7 beautiful children, has buried 2, a loss no parent should have to bear. And now I know her heart is breaking from the loss of a spouse of over 50 years. Her husbands body was here, but his mind had left it's bodies safe keeping many moons ago. May Bill Bartels be able to be with all 8 of his children now and forever in a relationship they may all know and feel in their own way. Rest in peace William Bartels.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunny beautiful fall Sunday

I have been down for 48 hours now and am coming out of the fog. My Tim made chicken noodle soup yesterday that warmed me to the core of my bones. I had a second cup of just the broth and know I am better today because of it. Today's healing warming soup is a white chicken chili with tortias. YUMO (cause he knows I'm not so fond of red based stuff) He is a gem. I think I will live! I am still wiped out, but did actually have the energy to toss a load of laundry in this morning. And am thinking I really should unpack my suitcase from the trip last week! At least I have the energy to sign on today, yesterday was spent in bed or on the couch.
The sun is out today. We had 1.6 inches of rain yesterday. Just how I felt! The leaves are amazing today. Out my back window I have a red dogwood backed buy a maple that is yellow and orange. Beautiful.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sick Sick Sick

I thought I'd skip the "little" cold that was passed around on our 10 day vacation to the Pacific northwest. First Karen was down for the count, she made it home safely, but had wicked laryngitis. Then Mom was down for a day with a cough and runny nose. We 4 got home safe and sound......and then 5 days later. I was wheezing last night. Rummaged through 3 medicine chests to find a very old inhaler. Not much relief but I slept through the night. Dragged myself to work, only to send myself home by 10am! Slept 5 hours and have now showered and feel warm as a bug in a winter nightgown with slippers and hot coco. But am coughing like I have creeping crud, I fear this is just the beginning. Back to bed I go. Seems time for a nap!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Call

Most of you know Tuesday is my day for call. I seem to have fallen into this niche. It fits. Some of you get calls on my way home in the dark in the fall, winter and early spring. The days seem to melt away so fast now. It was a chilly 36 degrees this morning. I skipped into work in my new dress and felt invigorated. I love the fall!
Tomorrow is cat delivery for Mom and then home to undo some chaos I've made upon my return to the pristine home Tim had for me. Complete with flowers in the kitchen and a long stemed rose on the pillow for me. He is such a love.
Maybe I'll knit a bit when I get home. I need to finish that blanket before the baby gets here!
Otherwise she will get a half knit blanket at the baby shower at work!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Where does the time go?
I had been so looking forward to our trip west and zip it is over.
I did not open a book, much less finish one to start the second one I brought! This vacation was not a cruise or a week on an island in the Caribbean....oh much more fun and much more turmoil. Many gins and giggles, love, children, family, memories.

I am already back to work a day and have so much to catch up with. My suit cases are still in the living room. I am on call tomorrow. Will be helping Mom get he new cat "Sweet Pea" on Wednesday. So hopefully will have photos of the trip posted soon. This may involve a live phone call with Bethany!

You can see some photos on Andrea and Mindy's blog.
Am not so good with the photos, so sorry about the huge Tim and Heidi, will try to fix that too!

But I am so happy to be home with my loving husband. Just wish my sister did not live so far away. But she is doing a good thing being ther to help raise her grandson and let a loving Grandma be there during the day for him.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today is the day!

Now I can see why it has been over a month since we have heard from the Groves! I don't have 4 children and I cannot get to this every day! Imagine the chaos of those who do have 4+ children who manage to entertain us daily. I am beginning to appreciate Bethany more and more.
So I have my 2 books for vacation reading, though when I think I am going to read I don't know cause I'll be with family and don't want to miss out on any juicy gossip, family or otherwise!
I am finally reading the Twilight book (I've seen the movie, actually I bought it, I did not see it in the theater) But wanted to see what the big deal is. I liked the movie, and the books are usually better so thought I'd start, then I won't have to wait till the next movie comes out to see what happens next. Although all I have to do is sign into Holly's blog and there it is first thing how many more days.......till the next movie.
And Holly has a Christmas count down. It's less than 3 months for those of you without children or access to Holly's countdown blog pages.
The other book is the Shack, given to me by Vickie Snider whos brother was killed by the sniper here in DC. Also Tim's best friend. My Mom and Kate have read it, I started it with Tim, but he has lost interest. So, I'll finish it.
I could not get one of Bethany's book club books, so I'll have to read double time upon my return to the east coast.
So I am off to Portland today with Mom, Kate and Karen. There better not be anything wrong with this plane, or we will have many sad families.

It always seems OK to be gone from my husband for 10 days when I am planning a vacation that he is not going on, but the reality of it is not so fun. He makes me laugh and I love him so. I will miss him.

I am not done packing, and I have to squeeze my clothes into my carry on as my whole big suitcase is filled with goodies for the girls (great neices) out there........

Can't wait to see my skinny sister Holly.......and all the Mike Kestner family still in the Vancouver area. WAAAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOO Vacation!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A beautiful fall day

I love the fall. The cool mornings. The crisp air. The falling leaves. The shorter days......not so good!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The last day of September!

Where does the time go? I will be in Vancouver in one week. waa hooo! I am so excited, and have so much to do. Five Kestner women on the move. Look out United. Wonder how much stuff I'll manage to stuff in my suitcase to scatter to the family. Love to do that. Hope they like it and don't think I am nutso!

I can hardly wait to see everyone and have a person to person visit. It seems everyone is always happy when I call. But nothing beats a person to person chat.......after a crazy day with a bizillion kiddlebugs zooming around, all tucked in bed and sleeping.

Today was a day spent solely in front of a computer at work! How knew surgery would involve a computer. Well not all day I did do a very sad case on a lovely patient who ignored her breast cancer a bit too long. She is on a big river called denial. I have not seen such bad cancer in a long time........probably back to West Virginia, which is getting to be quite a while ago. Where does to the time go?

Karen took my Buick to her body shop on Monday. She put the car through the shop to help me get 3 scratches fixed on the lift gate to the Enclave. She is a wiz with cars and was VERY sweet to help me rid my car of 2 minor and one delinquent key scratch. It was done today and oh to be 23 again and love to drive as much as she does. She zipped to Sibley (from Gaithersburg, 25 miles north) to do the car trade after I was still there when she was done. Don't get me wrong. I love to drive. Ask my sister Holly. I drove her 3117 miles to Chelan Washington last October. What a fun trip.....more on that in another post when I figure out how to put photos in here! Anyway my car is beyond spiffy, new paint, all buffed up AND she got them to detail the inside. BONUS. I am a happy girl.

Work was blurr, I looked up and it was 1730......time to call Tim. We had a "romantic" dinner in the cafeteria and then Tim and I stopped by Mom's to help her with the apartment rental. She is so mad about the whole event she cannot even think or talk about it without tearing up. I don't blame her. Kim Brown has some very bad karma to make up for messing with an 86 year old lady! But we will get the apartment to code and she can have her bad juju and we will be happy and Kim will still be a miserable person scared of her own shadow and have bad Karma to make up for.

The moon is getting full, it is a cool fall night. Fall is a wonderful time. My garden even looked good in the moon light tonight. Now to find the time to mulch! Where does the time go?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Work Heidi Work Heidi Work Work Work

A saying my youngest niece said about her Dad as he went off to his night job, having been at work all day. She looked out the window as he drove away and proclaimed: "Work Daddy work Daddy, work work work!". It seemed to have stuck in my mind, and the whole family I think.

I seem to feel that way lately. Although I had an unexpected 3 day weekend this past weekend and got so much done in my yard and office I still feel like all I do is work. But then I don't have much else to do! Don't get me wrong. I love my life, my husband, my family. But I can't seem to "get" into anything. Perhaps I am "in" to too many things!

I knit, cross stitch, crochet, do photography, love to scrapbook (though I think the day of the digital on line booking is here), love to garden, can put together a mean dinner, with dessert. I just feel like I am not getting anything done.

Funny, my 86 year old Mom told me the same thing the other day...and I told her that was her job at 86 to not do anything, yet that is what seems to be bothering me most, but I am not 86!

On Saturday my best friend Pat came over and we worked in the yard for 6 hours and got so much done. I am so happy. We pulled 2 huge new dawn Roses that had taken over the front garden bed and just were not easy to attach to the house. Roses seemed like such a good idea, but unless they are on a fence or a trellis, they are not. Tim and Pat planted an ever green by the front door, Pat weeded the life out of a bed by the steps. We planted yellow daffodils and red tulips. My Dad loved red tulips. I hope they don't make me cry in the spring.....
I love to plant bulbs, it is my little hope that life will go on and spring will come again! Don't get me wrong, I love love love the fall. But it is always followed by winter and the gloom of cold dark mornings to work and even colder and dark nights home.

Perhaps my work rut it is the loss of my favorite plastic surgeon in the whole world. My Tom Sanzaro dropped dead on Sept 10, 2009 at 58 young years old. He has left a huge hole in my heart, the OR, his practice and most important a huge hole his wife and children just cannot seem to get a grip on. None of us can. I keep expecting him to pop around the corner with his endearing, "Ho Ho Ho".

Perhaps it is that work is slow, I have been having to furlough folks for an hour here, an afternoon there, a day there. It is not easy and makes my heart heavy. But I cannot have folks sitting around doing nothing. The hospital is struggling, we were asked this morning to cut 70K from my little group of 7. That is 10K each. I do not know where that would come from except salary. And that makes me woozy just to think about.

So that is it in a nutshell. My thoughts for the day.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Personal Loss: Thomas J. Sanzaro

So, just like that I have a blog.
Seems easy enough, now will I actually post anything that anyone is interested in?
Not sure!
Today was a very difficult day. I spent most of the afternoon with the family of a wonderful surgeon I have worked with for 20 years. He died suddenly and with no apparent cause on Sept 10, 2009. He was 58. I am numb, stunned and having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
His wife of 32 years feels like I do only to infinity and beyond. I only knew the professional side of this gentleman of a man. He is linked to my family in so many ways, and I a just a bit of sand in his complicated wonderful life. Mom is is back up office girl, Mrs. Kestner. My sister Kate has also worked with him for 10 years.....I'll find my thoughts on him on Tim's computer and put them in here too.

About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland