Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween's finally here

I don't have a pumpkin, but love all the postings of carved pumpkins from the kiddlebugs out west. (please post more)

It is a windy day here in Rehoboth Beach. I better get dressed and zip out to the grocery to get some Reeses.....might as well have left overs we love, according to Tim. Personally I'd get something I'd never eat, to save me from the added calories that I do not need. Don't get me wrong. I love a Reeses.

I will dig out a photo of me in my favorite Halloween costume. I was Raggety Ann. Mom made the costume for me, I loved it. I think I even made her make me another one when I outgrew the first one. I don't think kids even read about Raggety Ann and Andy any more. I loved the adventures of Raggety Ann. I had all the books. I'd bet they are in the attic with my "hope chest". Guess my hopes do not include children. I should see if they are there and offer them to someone who even knows who she is!

My girlfriend Tracy always made cool costumes that involved papermache and boxes and wire with chicken mesh over it. She had brothers and Halloween always had the gory side to it at her house. The Kestner household had the innocent no gore side. I was Ragetty Ann for at least 3 Halloweens (by my own choosing) A Heidi, with brades and a goat, an Indian princess, a Williamsburg era lady, do not remember any more, I am sure there are more.

(Update on 3-15-10....looking for photos of David as a baby I found these) So here I am in all my 6 year old glory. I LOVED this costume! I was surprised to find the one below from the next year at 7. I thought I was Raggety Ann for years. Maybe I went back to her. But here are 2 costumes my Mom lovingly made for me!

I do need to clean out my boxes in Mom's attic. But that is for another day.

Mom has found a 4th cousin from the Sturgis line! She is beside herself with excitement. And I am with her. She has been at a dead end with 2 Sturgis relatives from England for over 30 years. She posted a question on a web site and many months later she had a note from a 4th cousin in England who knows all about those distant grandparents. PRESTO! No longer at a dead end, but answers to many questions and more relatives! Living! He is Jim Sturgis! A jackpot of information. She is one cool computer granny. I love having an APB call from her to help her with her computer. This morning she was beside herself thinking she had deleted her mail. With the help of my wonderful husband and me we helped her find her link to and her Sturgis cousins. She makes 86 look pretty dang good!

Happy Halloween one and all. And don't forget your genealogy!

Monday, October 26, 2009


the sisters Suzie and Minner ninner noo.

Alaina the little Indian Princess with 5 brothers, soon to be 6! A perfect Halloween costume from Audrey at work. Thank you Audrey!

Healing Chicken soup

Tim gets a gold medal in tending to the ill this weekend. My juice glass was never empty, he reminded me every 4 hours to take more Tylenol. Saturday he made the best healing huge crock pot of chicken soup I've ever had. I had one small bowl full and just wanted a cup of broth the next time. He delivered said broth in a perfect cup, all warm and healing as it soothed by tired coughing, aching throat. And not to be out done by himself on Sunday he made a batch of white chicken chilly for me that was amazing. I had that for dinner tonight and am off to bed with warm tummy full of soup.
Tim on the other hand is at Redskins stadium watching the Eagles fly over the Redskins like they don't exist. I watched the first quarter, have showered and am off to bed. I cannot watch anymore and I need the sleep.
May he stay warm and enjoy the Eagles game in Washington!

The death of a father

Today I learned of the death of an old beau's father. A man who could have been a father-in-law had life and love been different. I mourn the loss of a man who I grew to know over 5 years of love and courtship of his youngest son. I became one with a family of laughter and love. My heart is aching with a family I once new as family and time has trimmed the sails of our relationship. I am blessed to still call Justin my good friend. I suppose time cannot errase memories and events. I know his loss. I too have lost a father and will forever long to be in his company.
I saw Justin's mother as a patient on a fluke one day and all those emotions came rolling back, like a blanket once treasured, and tucked away for posterity. Thirty years is a long time to know someone. Mrs. Bartels is a gem of a woman. She raised 7 beautiful children, has buried 2, a loss no parent should have to bear. And now I know her heart is breaking from the loss of a spouse of over 50 years. Her husbands body was here, but his mind had left it's bodies safe keeping many moons ago. May Bill Bartels be able to be with all 8 of his children now and forever in a relationship they may all know and feel in their own way. Rest in peace William Bartels.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunny beautiful fall Sunday

I have been down for 48 hours now and am coming out of the fog. My Tim made chicken noodle soup yesterday that warmed me to the core of my bones. I had a second cup of just the broth and know I am better today because of it. Today's healing warming soup is a white chicken chili with tortias. YUMO (cause he knows I'm not so fond of red based stuff) He is a gem. I think I will live! I am still wiped out, but did actually have the energy to toss a load of laundry in this morning. And am thinking I really should unpack my suitcase from the trip last week! At least I have the energy to sign on today, yesterday was spent in bed or on the couch.
The sun is out today. We had 1.6 inches of rain yesterday. Just how I felt! The leaves are amazing today. Out my back window I have a red dogwood backed buy a maple that is yellow and orange. Beautiful.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sick Sick Sick

I thought I'd skip the "little" cold that was passed around on our 10 day vacation to the Pacific northwest. First Karen was down for the count, she made it home safely, but had wicked laryngitis. Then Mom was down for a day with a cough and runny nose. We 4 got home safe and sound......and then 5 days later. I was wheezing last night. Rummaged through 3 medicine chests to find a very old inhaler. Not much relief but I slept through the night. Dragged myself to work, only to send myself home by 10am! Slept 5 hours and have now showered and feel warm as a bug in a winter nightgown with slippers and hot coco. But am coughing like I have creeping crud, I fear this is just the beginning. Back to bed I go. Seems time for a nap!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Call

Most of you know Tuesday is my day for call. I seem to have fallen into this niche. It fits. Some of you get calls on my way home in the dark in the fall, winter and early spring. The days seem to melt away so fast now. It was a chilly 36 degrees this morning. I skipped into work in my new dress and felt invigorated. I love the fall!
Tomorrow is cat delivery for Mom and then home to undo some chaos I've made upon my return to the pristine home Tim had for me. Complete with flowers in the kitchen and a long stemed rose on the pillow for me. He is such a love.
Maybe I'll knit a bit when I get home. I need to finish that blanket before the baby gets here!
Otherwise she will get a half knit blanket at the baby shower at work!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Where does the time go?
I had been so looking forward to our trip west and zip it is over.
I did not open a book, much less finish one to start the second one I brought! This vacation was not a cruise or a week on an island in the Caribbean....oh much more fun and much more turmoil. Many gins and giggles, love, children, family, memories.

I am already back to work a day and have so much to catch up with. My suit cases are still in the living room. I am on call tomorrow. Will be helping Mom get he new cat "Sweet Pea" on Wednesday. So hopefully will have photos of the trip posted soon. This may involve a live phone call with Bethany!

You can see some photos on Andrea and Mindy's blog.
Am not so good with the photos, so sorry about the huge Tim and Heidi, will try to fix that too!

But I am so happy to be home with my loving husband. Just wish my sister did not live so far away. But she is doing a good thing being ther to help raise her grandson and let a loving Grandma be there during the day for him.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today is the day!

Now I can see why it has been over a month since we have heard from the Groves! I don't have 4 children and I cannot get to this every day! Imagine the chaos of those who do have 4+ children who manage to entertain us daily. I am beginning to appreciate Bethany more and more.
So I have my 2 books for vacation reading, though when I think I am going to read I don't know cause I'll be with family and don't want to miss out on any juicy gossip, family or otherwise!
I am finally reading the Twilight book (I've seen the movie, actually I bought it, I did not see it in the theater) But wanted to see what the big deal is. I liked the movie, and the books are usually better so thought I'd start, then I won't have to wait till the next movie comes out to see what happens next. Although all I have to do is sign into Holly's blog and there it is first thing how many more days.......till the next movie.
And Holly has a Christmas count down. It's less than 3 months for those of you without children or access to Holly's countdown blog pages.
The other book is the Shack, given to me by Vickie Snider whos brother was killed by the sniper here in DC. Also Tim's best friend. My Mom and Kate have read it, I started it with Tim, but he has lost interest. So, I'll finish it.
I could not get one of Bethany's book club books, so I'll have to read double time upon my return to the east coast.
So I am off to Portland today with Mom, Kate and Karen. There better not be anything wrong with this plane, or we will have many sad families.

It always seems OK to be gone from my husband for 10 days when I am planning a vacation that he is not going on, but the reality of it is not so fun. He makes me laugh and I love him so. I will miss him.

I am not done packing, and I have to squeeze my clothes into my carry on as my whole big suitcase is filled with goodies for the girls (great neices) out there........

Can't wait to see my skinny sister Holly.......and all the Mike Kestner family still in the Vancouver area. WAAAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOO Vacation!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A beautiful fall day

I love the fall. The cool mornings. The crisp air. The falling leaves. The shorter days......not so good!

About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland