Friday, July 16, 2010

3.6 Earthquake? In Gaithersburg?

And I worry about Mary McInerney and the Keans in Alameda! Who knew an earthquake would sound like a plane flying too low, or a helicopter about to fly into your bedroom at 5:04AM!? In Montgomery county Maryland!
We are all fine, Tim was more aware of what was going on than I was, but an interesting news morning here in our nations capitol. Apparently it was felt as far away as New Jersey! So our little Appalachian mountains are not done moving either. We live on a constantly changing earth!
Perhaps the oil from the gulf slicked up our plates and made them move!

But on a positive note about the oil slick. The first batch of relocated loggerhead baby turtles has hatched on the east coast of Florida for our cleaner waters over here and are off to sea to fend for themselves. So, in 15 or 20 years we may have a bumper crop of females laying eggs on the east coast, because they return to where they hatch, not where they were laid. They are relocating over 500 clutches of eggs from the gulf to the east coast via fed ex and special incubators on special anti jiggle crates. Makes me tear up just to write this.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Read all of July

So a secret about my blog. I cannot get to it every day and have been known to "back blog" as I call it. All of July was done in one sitting, with the photos, my computer and some time all finally together in one spot. I must admit I look forward to the comments, so comment away. I think I've made it easy, and you should not have to do all that goofey sign in and type word thing I have to do for so many.
Let me know if you do and I'll uncheck what ever I need to uncheck (this may require some help from Bethany!)

So, I've had a busy week at work, being away a week sometimes make you rethink being away. I have had to pay for my time off in spades! Tim is deep in school I am helping with 3 math classes this term. He did get 5 A's last term! I am so proud of him.

Night one and all.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just a bit-o-what I'm growing

These are on the side of the house, when you come out the garage, or the front door you can smell them. They really are spectacular!

A lace cap hydrangea from Ashley Sharp. So pretty, but still a big shocky from the move and I want to get them blue. Just a little acid in the soil will do that for next year. Perhaps they will be as nice as this hedge. She said she put miracle grow on them. I think I'll do the same!

This is not my house, but along route one north of Rehoboth Beach. This was so spectacular from the road. And a nice Antique store too!

Below are the first of my 4 types of sunflowers. This one is so cute. It is only about 3 feet high, so pretty and yellow.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hot time in the summer

Well, it is the 10th of July and we FINALLY had some rain today here in beautiful LSD (lower, slower, Delaware!). I am at the end of my week away from work on my stay-cation. I've had a lovely time, just not long enough! But the first week in August is coming fast and furious. A few things I accomplished, no in particular order:

*caught up on sleep
*visited with Mom
*caught up on sleep
*worked on helping Tim with his new statistics class, this one is going to be a doosie of a class
*caught up on sleep
*spent time with Tim
*caught up on sleep
*watched sunset on beach
*caught up on sleep
*went to see Eclipse (do not see the big deal, interesting love triangle, but that is about it)
*caught up on sleep
*had some wonderful meals Tim cooked
*caught up on sleep
*made tons-o-lists for things I want to get done
*caught up on sleep
*fixed the fountain at the beach, it works now! YEA!
*caught up on sleep
*had tons-o-fresh fruit and veggies at the local markets here in RB
*caught up on sleep (get the Idea!)
*got a new haircut and relaxing facial

*caught up on sleep
*chatted with neices and nephews and sisters
*caught up on sleep
*purchased some new summer clothes
*caught up on sleep
*enjoyed watching my sunflowers zoom to the sun
*caught up on sleep
*watched fireworks on the porch in Rehoboth and then inside of Boston
*caught up on sleep

I'll work on images of the fountain working, the lamp about to be finished, the sunflowers about to bloom, my hew haircut, and whatever else I can think of.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just a bit-o-what I'm making

This with Mom........And finally here is a preliminary look at the lamp. This really has been a chalange. Actually the final soldering has really worked on Mom and I. It seems like such a simple thing to do. IT IS NOT. We are so close to done. Now to wait till the base is Labor day. Which is getting closer and closer.

And this with Tim..........I had no idea this fountain would take so much puttering with. But I love it when it works and the birds love it too. I love the sound of moving water.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just a bit-o-what Mom is making

Since Kate has taken to going to Haiti far before it was cool to go (after the earthquake) Mom had been to a toast of Haiti event, AKA as a fundraiser for the hospital. There were items to bid on and Mom wanted to help too. We've all seen and received the adorable little Christmas ornaments Mom made last year for the whole famdamily. Well she embarked on a project to make 50 of the little sweaters pictured below. She hopes they can be auctioned off at the taste of Haiti for at least $20.00 each, making her donation to the cause in Kate's little hospital in the Merlot be a grand total of $1,000.00. So Mom has been knitting to the bone, and here are the final 50 in her little display before they went to Kate for delivery. The emblem on them is the knights of Malta emblem, they run the hospital and are very involved in its daily life with the nuns.

Here she is with the final one. She is so clever, and cute.

Let me know if you want to donate your $20.00 to Haiti and get a sweater!

About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland