Sunday, December 5, 2010

A blustery winter Sunday

Only 3 whole weeks till Christmas and I am not even close to "ready". But what does "ready" really mean? I've not put up a tree. I've not pulled out the wrapping paper or card box, which are usually out in November...... I have purchased a few little gifts for a few family members. I've attempted a Christmas letter, but just am not in the Christmas spirit. Usually by now I am piles deep into cards and happily humming Christmas carols all day at home. But tons o work and Tim's school is first priority this year and I will take what ever comes with it as a blessing.
Perhaps I'll get out the creche set, that is easy and for sure emulates the true reason for the season! Perhaps I'll snap a photo of it too!

1 comment:

  1. I bet that once you do get started you'll really be on a roll. Do you have snow? Maybe that's what you need.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland