Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

This morning I woke and called Mom to tell her to pick flowers to take to Dad in Gettysburg.
My Dad has been gone 40 years now. Very hard to type. But he is in a place with reverence and respect and I like to take Mom there on Memorial Day. Each grave has it's own American flag (two when husband and wife are together). A very moving sight.

We went, and took azaleas I planted in Mom's yard many moons ago.

We took stones that Mindy's four children had scavenged on a trip here earlier this month. Very special rocks were tucked by his stone this year. From his 4 great grand children, representing a new generation and also his 4 children. Mom brought him a stone from the blue lagoon in Iceland. A wonderful place that is worth going back to. It is the tiny black and white one.

A tearful, yet memorial journey. We had a good HOT day! Only 98 degrees today! Shew


  1. You really do live in a sobering, rich, beautiful, and meaningful part of the world. Sometimes I really envy your locale!

  2. The weather does look beautiful. Grandma looks gorgeous.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland