Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello February 2012

This will be just my thoughts:

  • Where did January go? This seems to be a recurring theme with me. I cannot believe it is Feb. 1! Hardly any snow this winter and today it was 72 degrees!
  • I have a new fangled computer. Mine died about 2 weeks before Christmas which gave Santa Tim the opportunity he had been waiting for to give me my gift early. He almost absolutely cannot wait till Christmas morning to open presents. My hard drive fried, and he could hardly wait to give me this wonderful new fangled laptop with all kinds of bells and whistles that I am still learning. If anyone wants "facetime" with me, I now have a camera and I will be here at the appointed time to talk....once I figure out this "easy application!"
  • I had been having difficulty opening my own blog, but I seem to have overcome that issue. Now I just don't have any one's address. SO, if you want to e-mail me them I'd appreciate it, though no one seems to be "blogging" these days as facebook has taken over the world.
  • Tim has been at his new job the appointed 90 days, so I guess he will be there a while.
  • Mom has had a tough winter. She had a pacemaker placed December 20, 2011! Doing just fine from that. Now last Thursday she chipped off half her front tooth opening a has a new tooth too! Has to be tough to be 88. But she is working busily away on her new stained glass project for Kate. A beautiful entry door panel with 5 iris. It will be breathtaking like all her other work.
  • Tim and I are back to our weekly weekend trips to Rehoboth Beach. It is so nice to get away to our "other" house. We seem to putter and relax quite well out there. It is nice Eileen and Joe are in Lewes now and Pat is out much more often.
  • My office is still ahead of me, but I am winning the race. Tim also bought me a neat desk to scan all my papers. Now to learn how to use that too.

That seems to be all for now. Time for bed and another day at work.

1 comment:

  1. We need to have Tim recommend a basic laptop for Andrew. Surely not the fancy-schmancy one you apparently have, (grin!), but just something that will work for school. Word processing, internet...that's probably it. Will you ask him for us? Then we'll be ready when the financial aid comes through.

    Gram got a new tooth, huh? Let's tell her not to do things in threes maybe?

    I'm still craving more pictures of your beach house. I think we've only or two? here.

    Have a happy day!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland