Monday, March 29, 2010


Love love love the change in seasons.
This morning I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the pink cherry tree. And yellow daffodils that I planted last fall with Pat. They look so happy! And the grass is getting greener (I have zoisia....)
I heard peepers at the beach on March 12, 2010. Love the sounds, smells and looks of spring.
The cherry blossoms all over town are about to burst forth.
We are finalizing our NYC trip with Bethany, Andy, Kate and Garry. Tim and Mom are staying home to hold down the home front!
Work is work.
And all is well with HKK.


  1. You are so funny! I don't know if I'll be able to sleep between now and then! Is there another word for excited? I am using that one too much.

  2. Elated, ecstatic...I like to use these words when I am more than excited! Yay for you Bethany! I LOVE Spring and cannot see a cherry tree in blosom and not think of our trip out East in 2003. I got to celebrate my 27th birthday there with you. Yay!

  3. spring came a few weeks ago for us and it is lovely, but now we are in the April shower stage. 3 full days of rain.

    The New york trip sounds great hope you will all have a blast.

  4. The true sign of spring for us is when the cherry tree in the backyard grows it's liitle buds. I love how that tree fills with little white blossoms. it is short lived, but I enjoy it so.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland