Monday, March 1, 2010

A wonderful weekend with Momma

Tim and I had not been to the ocean in over 6 weeks.
A much needed trip was made this weekend with Mom in tow. She is happy to go anywhere with her girls, just to spend the time and chat. Holly is in Washington State, Kate is in Haiti and that leaves me to pick up the tail.
We went and had a wonderful time. Took far more to do than we got done, but had fun none the less.
The time flew and we bonded.


  1. aww sounds so nice. I could stay a week there @ RB.

  2. Today was so glorious that it gave me a terrible case of spring fever. I bet it wasn't nearly as therapeutic as a beach trip though. :)
    Hello to Grandma for me. I need to e-mail her.

  3. Yippee! I am glad you had a nice weekend together. That is great! I love you so much and I am so grateful my Grandma is never really alone. Thank you!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland