Sunday, June 27, 2010

Confessions of a clutterholic-take One

So, today I found the floor to the closet, took down a 2008 Mary Engelbreit calender and found a bag of work goodies and papers that needed to be filed from......wait for it.......November 2006! I found more cards, it is official, I have a problem with cards, but I am working on that issue, old catalogs with Christmas ideas for a Christmas long ago. But in that bag I also found a few things I knew were missing and I just could not locate! I knew they were in that "special" place, I had not ever imagined they were all together! Imagine my joy just a few short hours ago to find:

My sensa Pen from Monty, a yellow stickie pad we 4 women have to remember Mike and one of my favorite lip stick colors! (I had 2 and could only put my hands on one.)

VIOLA, 3 less things to wonder about.

AND today I found a new home for my Murphy 6.0 Briggs and stratton lawnmower which I have not used in more than 10 years. Jesus used to help with that chore, and that did not last long. A quick pocket of cash! So, one more thing out of the shed that we do not use. Yes, even on a financial diet we have the lawn mowed. Much cheaper than a trip to the ER with chest pains (Tim or Heidi) or an asthma attack from the grass and dust (Heidi)

Now to get the gas trimmer and weed whacker started and on to a new home too. Gotta love that Craigslist! I've also listed some books for Tim from last semester, I hope I get a bite soon on those too!

Tim and I cleared the "raised garden" beds he has been working on for 2 years, that may just happen this summer too. After half an hour in the 100 degrees, we were done!

Amazing what one can do at home, on call, and I even went in to work too!

Happy Sunday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here and gone

Just this morning Holly was standing in my bathroom door asking for toothpaste. And tonight when I went to brush my teeth I had already heard she was safe and sound 3000miles away in her new hometown of Chelan. Only an hour to go for her to be home to her new nest she has made 110 steps from her Grandson Will and his parents in Orondo, Washington.

She was here 2 weeks and they flew. It just seems right to have her here, but alas it almost makes the void even bigger with her gone. She is my sister and I love her so. It is not fair she is so far from us. But she is doing the best thing for her grandson and that is most important. A child raised with the love from Holly can call themselves lucky. I am her first child she raised. I know I am lucky to call Holly Kestner my sister. I have missed her all day. She does not travel well, so this journey home was a sacrifice for her too. May she stay well and happy and content in her new home on the hill in Washington State.

Today Pat is 51. Where does the time go there too? I think I was 12 or so when I first met him as the brother of my dear lifelong friend Mary. He was the older brother, who Mary loved and I grew to love in my own way. Pat is my lifelong friend I am lucky to have him in my life too.

Happy 51st birthday Pat Pat Pat.

Quite the day here in June!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Andy is 32, 1978 was a banner year

I greaduated from high school in 1978. I thought I owned the world. My brother had his fourth child, a son. Stewart Andrew. To be known as Andy. Cute as a button and legs like lead. Here are a few of my favorites of him.

Note the cubaton keys in the lower right. Those were his Mom's no doubt, she was never without the cubaton for a long time for safety.

My brother and his newest son. On his first birthday.

Andy's first cupcake...from Daddy, and his huge hand.

Sweet baby boy

Grandma Kestner and her 5th grandchild. She was 55 here, Andy is one.

The back of this photo reads: Aunt Heidi Andy Age 1 taken June 1979
(He went through a stage when he spit at everything-especially when he was discusted!)

Andy Fall 1979 Junior year. I believe he had already met one Bethany Norman who would one day become his wife and give him four wonderful sons.

Happy 32nd birthday Andy! What a wonderful man you have turned out to be. I know your Dad would be proud of you. I know your Mom is and I sure had a fun time with you this spring. I am proud to call you my nephew!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A get away for the 4 of us to Rehoboth Beach

Holly is here and the time is zooming. The saying time flies when you are having fun is too true!

We stopped in awe of these hydrangeas on Route 1. Amazing display.

Here is a bad attempt at a self portrait, then some nice lady came along and took the one to follow.

This is the only photo of the 4 of us at Rehoboth Beach, we went to the beach. Kate and Holly had a lovely walk on the beach, I stayed and visited with Mom. A beautiful day.

Mom does love the sound of the ocean, but she decided she'd rather watch it than swim in it anymore.

Kate and Holly on the way to the ocean.

We had a great time shopping, visiting, and relaxing. Tim came down on Thursday night and made us a lovely dinner. Holly, Kate and Mom went back to DC on Friday morning as Holly was to be at the Sharps by 3pm. Tim and I had the rest of the weekend to putter about the house and run errands.

The week zoomed, we got so much accomplished, and had a great visit

Monday, June 7, 2010

My sister Holly

She is here 2 weeks and the time is flying! We have gotten so much done and there is so little time!
She arrived Sat evening at 1830 and came home and went straight to bed!
Sunday we went to Kates and helped her organize Karen's old room, clean her carpet, hang curtains in 3 windows and washed all 3 windows and the screens! Fun times, and we feel like we really are getting things done.
Today we were at my house, worked on the front garden beds, moved lots of stuff around, weeded, trimed, weeded and all looks better, so much more to do, but a HUGE help today!
Tomorrow it is off to Mom's.........where is the time going?

About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland