Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here and gone

Just this morning Holly was standing in my bathroom door asking for toothpaste. And tonight when I went to brush my teeth I had already heard she was safe and sound 3000miles away in her new hometown of Chelan. Only an hour to go for her to be home to her new nest she has made 110 steps from her Grandson Will and his parents in Orondo, Washington.

She was here 2 weeks and they flew. It just seems right to have her here, but alas it almost makes the void even bigger with her gone. She is my sister and I love her so. It is not fair she is so far from us. But she is doing the best thing for her grandson and that is most important. A child raised with the love from Holly can call themselves lucky. I am her first child she raised. I know I am lucky to call Holly Kestner my sister. I have missed her all day. She does not travel well, so this journey home was a sacrifice for her too. May she stay well and happy and content in her new home on the hill in Washington State.

Today Pat is 51. Where does the time go there too? I think I was 12 or so when I first met him as the brother of my dear lifelong friend Mary. He was the older brother, who Mary loved and I grew to love in my own way. Pat is my lifelong friend I am lucky to have him in my life too.

Happy 51st birthday Pat Pat Pat.

Quite the day here in June!


  1. I know how hard it is to see sisters go! Not fun, I'm sorry. Hope you enjoyed every second of having her though!

  2. Glad you were able to spend time with your sis.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland