Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Andy is 32, 1978 was a banner year

I greaduated from high school in 1978. I thought I owned the world. My brother had his fourth child, a son. Stewart Andrew. To be known as Andy. Cute as a button and legs like lead. Here are a few of my favorites of him.

Note the cubaton keys in the lower right. Those were his Mom's no doubt, she was never without the cubaton for a long time for safety.

My brother and his newest son. On his first birthday.

Andy's first cupcake...from Daddy, and his huge hand.

Sweet baby boy

Grandma Kestner and her 5th grandchild. She was 55 here, Andy is one.

The back of this photo reads: Aunt Heidi Andy Age 1 taken June 1979
(He went through a stage when he spit at everything-especially when he was discusted!)

Andy Fall 1979 Junior year. I believe he had already met one Bethany Norman who would one day become his wife and give him four wonderful sons.

Happy 32nd birthday Andy! What a wonderful man you have turned out to be. I know your Dad would be proud of you. I know your Mom is and I sure had a fun time with you this spring. I am proud to call you my nephew!


  1. That is so sweet of you. Andrew really enjoyed this - though he is too much of a man to sit down and write a comment. There are pictures there that I don't know if he's ever seen and I sure haven't! Thank you for sharing!

  2. How sweet of you to take the time to do this for Andy and Beth. Good Aunt #3 !!

  3. I agree with whoever Anonymous is.


  4. Loved looking at all the pictures of Andy.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland