Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday night and time for work already

Where does the time go?

This seems to be a recurring theme on many of our blogs. I say "Our" blogs as I look at my brothers children's blogs daily, save Susan who is only on facebook, which has far too many viruses for my taste, just wait till you get one. Thank heaven for Mr. computer husband o wonder who saved my computer and all my photos. Anyway.

An interesting thing has happened as of late. My nieces got me "into" this blog thing, which is kind of neat and much more fun that the jabber on facebook. So, I go for it, get addicted and every day hope for new posts from everyone. But no. Andrea has not posted since January 11, 2010 and now she is on some adventure to Florida leaving Todd with 6 children, one would think that Gideon is with Mom the main source for food. But who knows as I only gleaned that from facebook, and try to get Todd on the phone....good luck. They treat the phone like the TV, bad juju. Quite understanding about Andrea as she does have 7 children and a small zoo to tend to (other than her children), she was the first one to try to get me hooked. A very long time ago on another blog site that was not so user friendly. So I bit and now everyone else is too busy to post.

Marcy did turn me on to the cool blog back rounds and she is getting better about posting as I think she is like me. "Hey everyone, Where are the daily posts?"

I admit it was Bethany's daily stories that got me interested and then willing to play too. But my life is not so full of so many fun stories. Mindy is at least keeping us up to date on her diet (good for her, the brat! :) ), and an occasional post about the children. And Holly is good in fits and spurts. So, I'll try to be better, but my life is not so full of children, or animals or adventures. Work and snow lately.

I've started a mini cross stitch for a friend who just has a baby boy. Case Elijah Oppenheim. Chase I like, Case? Not so sure he won't be teased about his name, but think it is a family name from someone who survived the Nazis so that is a good honor.

Otherwise the weekend has zoomed by. Tim was in school Sat AM to make up for a missed class from snowmaggeden here in DC. I had the house cleaned and ran car errands; filled the tank, had the car washed and went to jiffy lube. (You can print $5.00 coupons on line anytime you want to go...$5.00 is $5.00). Went to the grocery and came home to veg in front of the Olympics. Today was really a blurr. Only got dressed to dig out the recycle for the trash on Tuesday. All our cans are in 3 feet of drifted snow......hear a recurring theme here. SNOW SNOW SNOW!

Bethany did get our reservations for NYC! YEA! So looking forward to their visit, which will be a total whirl wind, at least I am off from work, so that will be nice, just too short. Ten years of marriage. WOW. And Bethany will be 30! Where does the time go? I remember her in her sneakers as a bride in Utah at the temple. She seemed so young, oh, she was 19!!!!!! She was young, and look at her now, 30 and the mother of 4 sons!

So off to work on Monday. Kate is going back to Haiti on Wednesday so have found a few household things to send with her. When you have nothing, anything is good.


  1. Sunday nights are the pits! I'm with ya on that one.
    I see that "Bethany's Visit" got it's own label, and I am pleased about that, but can't wait to actually be there to give you more to post about that topic! *Yey!*
    And excuse me, but did you say "back" to Haiti?? I had no idea she'd been there, did I? I have short term memory issues. Long term, too. So maybe I did know, but we need to hear more about it.

  2. Gotta love those backgrounds! Hey, we had no idea Kate had been to Haiti. Keep us posted on that.
    We had a fun busy, yet relaxing weekend as well. Looking forward to the next one.

  3. Having 2 nieces and a nephew from Haiti I did know and remembered that Aunt Kitti has been to Haiti several times. Good for her. We need more people in the world who care more for others than themselves!!! PA's are good for that for sure!

    Bethany, NYC???? With kids, without, what the heck!!! FUN!!!

    I love the great is a very good price.

    I wish you all would send us some snow out west! Although with Spring showing its head...I am loving the warmer weather and blossoms.

    I realize I better update my blog more often and without mentioning so much weight loss info. Sorry. The kids are so fun and do so much...I will do more of that!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland