Sunday, August 15, 2010


So here I sit in my office, remember me the queen of clutter? Filing away until that little voice in my head said put Pandora on, it is so nice in the OR....and Pat loves it and David loves it.....

SO, I've finally ventured into the world of Pandora. Love Love Love is such an understatement.
I entered Joni Mitchell, I know, how original! But she is my all time favorite and all this FANTASTIC music is streaming from my computer while I sit here and file.......making new folders for Funerals, Jesus Valdez and ridding up files for Tim and Sibley!

Such a sign of the times.
What a wonderful play list I've had so far. Mostly took me back to my foggy days at Alderson Broaddus College. Bonnie Weston, Jeff Fine, Mellow: Neil Young, he always takes me there. I can see Jeff Fine sitting around a hog fest fire singing his heart out, me swooning to the music and Jeff! Oh, unrequited love!

Let me put my play list in and see if you are jealous now!
Joni Mitchell, Clouds
The Beatles Norwegian Wood......mmmmm
Simon and Garfunkel Bookends
Fleetwood Mac Landslide
Joni Mitchell Song to Aging Children Come
Bonnie Rait I can't Make you love own personal theme song....till my Tim!
The Rolling Stones As Tears go by
Steely Dan Dirty work
Neil Young Old Man I love it and that prompted me to HAVE to blog!
Joni Mitchell Michael from mountains.....actually took me back to 32o3 Weaving in my big bedroom....I sung that song so many times.......alas, my voice is not what it once was. Tim will tell you that for sure!
The Beatles it too short, but good
Paul Simon St. Judy's Comet
Cat Stevens Katmandu......Jeff Fine at his best!
Joni Mitchell........Court and Spark My classic favorite for a woman who influenced so many artists in the 20th century.

Wow, I am a happy girl. Who knew one type of a word in Pandora could bring back so many memories!

I highly recommend this web site. Here is to you too Pat McInerney who first told me about this site and David Kestner my man blogging nephew at work, and all the OR folks who have had this on their phones!

Music is a bond that binds us all in so many ways.
I can hardly wait to try another name, but it will be a while until I tire of this Genre for sure!

Happy music and happy filing!
Am slowly ridding up my piles of paper!

1 comment:

  1. Pandora and are my faves. Music makes work so much more fun. I have to be honest and say that I know not one of the songs on your list. I recognize some of the bands though!

    And you must click and drag that list of blogs you read to your sidebar. You should be first billing on your own blog, after all.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland