Saturday, March 12, 2011

Let me come up for air!

Here it is almost the middle of March.....mid march. Isn't that a literary thing?

But I digress. I have been swamped. Work, two kittens, work, a husband about to get his bachelors degree, work, rain, and life have kept me quite busy. Playing too much Spider solitaire and Free cell on the computer. I keep trying to swear off those two time grabbers. Perhaps today will be the day for me to do that until I get my office organized and my to do list shorter.

All is well here.

I'll find the camera today and do some back posting! My favorite way to sneak life in my little blog. I actually had a request from Mindy to post! So someone reads this little blog o mine. I'll finish that scarf and send it to whoever commented first......and maybe make another for the #2 person!

I am having another pajama my cute little polka dot nightgown Mom gave me for Christmas. I was in much need of some weekend stay in the house and putter clothes!

I have Pandora on the computer, my two new favorite "stations": Joni Mitchell and James Taylor seem to make the kind of mix to cover all my favorite artists and a few new ones to keep me in the modern loop of music. Wonderful invention whoever thought that one up!

Tim has gone to Rehoboth for the day or a quick turn around. He needs a few things at the beach and to clear his head for his final push to finals. He finishes on March 18! Wahoo!

My kittens are napping, they have been in the Indy 500 mode most of the morning. They are very fun and Sylvester is a love. Smokey is coming around, I think she will always be a bit aloof.....but she is pretty and will come to me if I hold still!

Not to be cliche: Life is good!


  1. Wha? Scarf? Huh?

    Won't you be oh, so glad when Tim is done?? I'm excited for both of you - I know it's been a long haul!

    I miss Pandora - this computer in the MIL's bedroom makes for tough access!

    Still need pictures of your beach house, so add that to the list!

  2. Yay! A post! You know its been awhile when Mindy requests a new one! :0) I love you!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland