Thursday, March 24, 2011

My helper Mom and puddy!

The day was perfect for a putter in my office. I've gotten 3 bags of paper OUT!
Found many things and am getting ahead of the bogged down Feng Shui going on in the office.

Mom came to help me today and she had her own little helper too! Love a good putter day.

Sylvester cannot help himself! Mom found some letters from her Dad about a house he wanted to build written to his mother when he was 12. I had them for the stamps. She was only slightly distraced reading them again. Mom helped organize my stamps and Christmas cards. All little steps toward my ultimate organized office.

1 comment:

  1. Can't quite tell you how much clutter feels like suffocation right now. Nothing better than getting rid of it! Yey!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland