Friday, July 16, 2010

3.6 Earthquake? In Gaithersburg?

And I worry about Mary McInerney and the Keans in Alameda! Who knew an earthquake would sound like a plane flying too low, or a helicopter about to fly into your bedroom at 5:04AM!? In Montgomery county Maryland!
We are all fine, Tim was more aware of what was going on than I was, but an interesting news morning here in our nations capitol. Apparently it was felt as far away as New Jersey! So our little Appalachian mountains are not done moving either. We live on a constantly changing earth!
Perhaps the oil from the gulf slicked up our plates and made them move!

But on a positive note about the oil slick. The first batch of relocated loggerhead baby turtles has hatched on the east coast of Florida for our cleaner waters over here and are off to sea to fend for themselves. So, in 15 or 20 years we may have a bumper crop of females laying eggs on the east coast, because they return to where they hatch, not where they were laid. They are relocating over 500 clutches of eggs from the gulf to the east coast via fed ex and special incubators on special anti jiggle crates. Makes me tear up just to write this.


  1. I had no idea about the turtles - that's so cool!

    I like your oil slick theory. And I'm glad you're all ok! Earthquakes are freaky! It made me think of your lamp and I hope you had it in a safe place cause it would stink to have it crash so close to completion!

  2. The turtle thing is cool. It's nice they're able to help out some animals!! I love turtles. Earthquakes are strange things that's for sure. I think they are scarier when you're inside though. I was outside during one here and it was kind of cool.

  3. Go turtles go! Yay...I LOVE turtles. I am thrilled that they saved them! So glad you are safe.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland