Thursday, July 15, 2010

Read all of July

So a secret about my blog. I cannot get to it every day and have been known to "back blog" as I call it. All of July was done in one sitting, with the photos, my computer and some time all finally together in one spot. I must admit I look forward to the comments, so comment away. I think I've made it easy, and you should not have to do all that goofey sign in and type word thing I have to do for so many.
Let me know if you do and I'll uncheck what ever I need to uncheck (this may require some help from Bethany!)

So, I've had a busy week at work, being away a week sometimes make you rethink being away. I have had to pay for my time off in spades! Tim is deep in school I am helping with 3 math classes this term. He did get 5 A's last term! I am so proud of him.

Night one and all.


  1. I noticed you had been doing that. And you add pictures to posts that didn't have them before... You're all over the place! But I love it!

    And that Tim of yours is rockin' it out with his classes, eh? I'm so excited for him to be done!

    I told Andrew that I want to bring the entire family out there next spring as a fantastic end to our homeschool studies. Think of the history education my boys would get! It would bring everything to life and they would never forget it!!

    And then he reminded me that we have two little guys who wouldn't remember it for a week, much less the rest of their lives, and also that he refuses to take all four of the kids on a trip that huge until Trent is five.

    So there you go. It was a nice thought for those few minutes before it was squished. :) But I do want to get them all out there sooner than that so they can see their east coast fam and finally understand who they all are!

    This probably should have all gone in an e-mail, but it's too late now. I'm too lazy to copy and paste.

    have a great weekend!

    Oh, and the word verification thing is still there. call me when you have a sec and I'll try to help ya!

  2. I also back blog! You gotta. I love getting updates. Love ya.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland