Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just a bit-o-what Mom is making

Since Kate has taken to going to Haiti far before it was cool to go (after the earthquake) Mom had been to a toast of Haiti event, AKA as a fundraiser for the hospital. There were items to bid on and Mom wanted to help too. We've all seen and received the adorable little Christmas ornaments Mom made last year for the whole famdamily. Well she embarked on a project to make 50 of the little sweaters pictured below. She hopes they can be auctioned off at the taste of Haiti for at least $20.00 each, making her donation to the cause in Kate's little hospital in the Merlot be a grand total of $1,000.00. So Mom has been knitting to the bone, and here are the final 50 in her little display before they went to Kate for delivery. The emblem on them is the knights of Malta emblem, they run the hospital and are very involved in its daily life with the nuns.

Here she is with the final one. She is so clever, and cute.

Let me know if you want to donate your $20.00 to Haiti and get a sweater!

1 comment:

  1. Gram is so talented! I bet those sweaters will go like hotcakes!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland