Friday, January 15, 2010

Another Cold

I feel like I've just had a cold, but looking back over my blog it was way back in October after a trip out west. Wednesday I came down with laryngitis after caring for my sick husband for a week. I think it was his tonsils, which are kissing in the back of his throat and need to come out, but that is another story.

So, Wed I came home at noon and slept the day away, today I woke up with zero voice, save how Todd sounded as a toddler. No work today and tomorrow I decided was best spent in bed recovering from my ribs feeling like they've been in a vice grip from all the coughing I'm doing.

It is now 20 past midnight as I've slept the day away I am wide awake, but now that I've read all I can about my long lost family in the west. I'll take a steamy shower, get all relaxed and top it off with some Tylenol with codeine to quiet my cough and let me sleep peacefully and not toss and turn all night. But oh the wicked dreams it makes me have.


  1. Man. I sure hope you get to feeling better. There is no worse feeling than the "broken rib" feeling after so much coughing. Take as much time and get as much rest as you can..... Love you.

  2. Yikes. We have been blessed with good health here. I would love to hear some of your codeine dreams. I could share some of my coding dreams. : )

  3. All I need for freakish dreams is a Unisom. You guys have fun... :)

  4. I am giggling at Coding dreams and Unisom!
    The other night I was operating under water, pretty wild. Did not last long, must have been I could not breath!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland