Thursday, January 21, 2010


Have read the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie society. Great book. Took me a bit to get in to it as it is all letters between folks. But good, and a good distraction from this eternal cough.

Will have been home from work 7 days with this one. a first in 20 years. Not like me to get so sick, but this too shall pass.

Am finally putting away the end of Christmas. I have a lovely little plate here I should see if anyone wants.....not my style at all. A Lena Liu circle of love plate, you can look it up on e-bay, which is where mine might be going.

Need to mail the last Christmas present to Eileen. Did not see her over the holidays.....and probably won't for a while. She lives about and hour north of here and I just don't get to her neck of the woods much. Love the post office!

now to put away that pesky tree of mine! :)


  1. David has been coughing for 4 days. I am not sleeping & he is not either. I went out and bought some Nyquil (the good stuff). We shall see. He is on antibiotics as well. I hope this doesn't last as long as yours.

  2. Man, you read that fast! I have heard good things about that book and will have to try it.

    I am sorry to hear that you are still fighting that cold. Do get better quickly! At least by April!

  3. Funny when I like a book I consume it. It was a good one once I got into the cadence. It was Holly's (MY sister). I'll save it for you and then you can pass it on too.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland