Sunday, May 30, 2010

Confessions of a clutterholic

So here you have it. My husband it a neat man. I keep telling him he could make a living organizing other peoples lives, mine included, but I am too emotionally attached to my "stuff". He keeps the rest of the house spotless, save one counter in the kitchen that I sometimes get my clutter gene going with, he does not tolerate that too long and then he proclaims it is time for me to tame the counter. I do, but it all just arrives in one tidy pile to my office, hold on, you'll see below. I need to get a hold of all this paper. I need to organize it. Believe it or not I do get rid of stuff. I just have way too many interests to keep them all in check all of the time! But no more excuses, cause I know I'll feel better when this is under control.

Kate had the audacity to tel me the Chee was bad in here! REALLY! I had not noticed! She loves to state the obvious.

Here is the list of my self imposed rules to help tame this here now office:

1. No more hearts or free cell card games until I can see my table. I'm going to clear the game counter and have Tim keep me accountable. (Tim's office on the other hand is immaculate).
2. Only use the birthday cards I have on hand to send birthday greetings, no more new cards until I am down to less than 20. (oh this is going to be a hard one, so everyone hold on, expect post cards and hand stamped Happy Birthday cards!)
3. File papers on hand and try to make everything else electronic.
4. sort sort sort!


  1. That is exactly what my office would look like if I had one. As it is, my desk is a good copy of yours. I've made a new rule for myself that I have to deal with mail the minute it comes into the house, not stick it on the counter to sort through later. Bills go in my inbox and everything else gets filed or chucked immediately.
    And when the kids are out of school we'll have a lot less paper brought home.

    You should post after pictures when you're all done!

  2. Oh, there will be after photos!
    Not sure when, but they will be there!

  3. I have a problem with mail. I always look & sort it that very day. It is just all the misc. stuff I am not sure what to do with. Should I put it in a filing cabinet? Should I put it on the counter? I am not sure. I am wondering what kind of "in box" would be useful to help keep the counters clear & tidy?

  4. If i figure it out I'll let you know!

  5. I am SO impressed that you are SO on top of birthday & anniversary cards and that you find them when you want to send them! As for me...I feel like my WHOLE HOUSE looks like this right now. I can't leave my dog alone for more than 2 minutes or he expresses his loneliness with a potty accident. How precious. I am thinking this puppy thing is for the birds. Hold on house...I plan on mopping the kitchen & hall and deep cleaning my family room carpet tomorrow... guess Dusty can look forward to a day in his kennel! Good Luck to you!!!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland