Friday, October 23, 2009

Sick Sick Sick

I thought I'd skip the "little" cold that was passed around on our 10 day vacation to the Pacific northwest. First Karen was down for the count, she made it home safely, but had wicked laryngitis. Then Mom was down for a day with a cough and runny nose. We 4 got home safe and sound......and then 5 days later. I was wheezing last night. Rummaged through 3 medicine chests to find a very old inhaler. Not much relief but I slept through the night. Dragged myself to work, only to send myself home by 10am! Slept 5 hours and have now showered and feel warm as a bug in a winter nightgown with slippers and hot coco. But am coughing like I have creeping crud, I fear this is just the beginning. Back to bed I go. Seems time for a nap!


  1. So sorry you're under the weather. Hope you're feeling better today, and not worse!
    Take care, love ya!

  2. Oh, the jammies and coco sounds good! So sorry you are sick. I am sending you happy thoughts of a quick recovery!

  3. thanks. Tim to the rescue. I am much better today (Sunday)


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland