Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween's finally here

I don't have a pumpkin, but love all the postings of carved pumpkins from the kiddlebugs out west. (please post more)

It is a windy day here in Rehoboth Beach. I better get dressed and zip out to the grocery to get some Reeses.....might as well have left overs we love, according to Tim. Personally I'd get something I'd never eat, to save me from the added calories that I do not need. Don't get me wrong. I love a Reeses.

I will dig out a photo of me in my favorite Halloween costume. I was Raggety Ann. Mom made the costume for me, I loved it. I think I even made her make me another one when I outgrew the first one. I don't think kids even read about Raggety Ann and Andy any more. I loved the adventures of Raggety Ann. I had all the books. I'd bet they are in the attic with my "hope chest". Guess my hopes do not include children. I should see if they are there and offer them to someone who even knows who she is!

My girlfriend Tracy always made cool costumes that involved papermache and boxes and wire with chicken mesh over it. She had brothers and Halloween always had the gory side to it at her house. The Kestner household had the innocent no gore side. I was Ragetty Ann for at least 3 Halloweens (by my own choosing) A Heidi, with brades and a goat, an Indian princess, a Williamsburg era lady, do not remember any more, I am sure there are more.

(Update on 3-15-10....looking for photos of David as a baby I found these) So here I am in all my 6 year old glory. I LOVED this costume! I was surprised to find the one below from the next year at 7. I thought I was Raggety Ann for years. Maybe I went back to her. But here are 2 costumes my Mom lovingly made for me!

I do need to clean out my boxes in Mom's attic. But that is for another day.

Mom has found a 4th cousin from the Sturgis line! She is beside herself with excitement. And I am with her. She has been at a dead end with 2 Sturgis relatives from England for over 30 years. She posted a question on a web site and many months later she had a note from a 4th cousin in England who knows all about those distant grandparents. PRESTO! No longer at a dead end, but answers to many questions and more relatives! Living! He is Jim Sturgis! A jackpot of information. She is one cool computer granny. I love having an APB call from her to help her with her computer. This morning she was beside herself thinking she had deleted her mail. With the help of my wonderful husband and me we helped her find her link to and her Sturgis cousins. She makes 86 look pretty dang good!

Happy Halloween one and all. And don't forget your genealogy!


  1. I know I have a lot of genealogy work ahead of me, but I'm saving it for when there's fewer kids around.
    I'd love to see pictures of your previous Halloween nights! I have one skeleton and one gross zombie/skeleton type thing going out tonight, and two swine flu victims staying in. We'll post pictures later.
    I love ya, Heidi, and I'm glad you survived your H1N1! xoxo :)

  2. You remember more halloween costumes then I do. I know I dressed up every halloween but I only remember two of my costumes. Congrats on the geneology find. It's a great feeling. I was able to locate someone that no one else had been able to find several years back and it was a great feeling! Still trying to locate his parents but have come up empty handed. My sister does a great job of finding people by asking for help via the internet.

    Hope you had a great halloween and got lots of customers for those Reeses.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland