Monday, October 19, 2009


Where does the time go?
I had been so looking forward to our trip west and zip it is over.
I did not open a book, much less finish one to start the second one I brought! This vacation was not a cruise or a week on an island in the Caribbean....oh much more fun and much more turmoil. Many gins and giggles, love, children, family, memories.

I am already back to work a day and have so much to catch up with. My suit cases are still in the living room. I am on call tomorrow. Will be helping Mom get he new cat "Sweet Pea" on Wednesday. So hopefully will have photos of the trip posted soon. This may involve a live phone call with Bethany!

You can see some photos on Andrea and Mindy's blog.
Am not so good with the photos, so sorry about the huge Tim and Heidi, will try to fix that too!

But I am so happy to be home with my loving husband. Just wish my sister did not live so far away. But she is doing a good thing being ther to help raise her grandson and let a loving Grandma be there during the day for him.


  1. Happy to help anytime - give me a call. I'm clueless on the big picture though. I've never had one there. Anyhow, I'm glad you had a good trip, fast though it was!

  2. I miss you so much already! Thank you for visiting us... :0)

  3. It was so much fun having you here. Glad the rest of your visit went well. Enjoy the beautiful fall. Love ya.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland