Monday, November 9, 2009

Angela it is, the new renter for MOM.

I stopped by Mom's tonight to give her a hair cut. She was in the midst of making my all time favorite casserole. Georgia Jackson Casserole, named after the woman at NIH who made up the dish; your basic noodles (skinny little egg ones), hamburger spices topped with cream cheese and sour cream with chives and just in case there were not enough calories a little cheddar on top to melt.....YUMO. I'll share the recipe with anyone who is interested....does anyone read this?
So we made dinner, I loaded photos from the trip into her computer, showed her how to send photos......another 100 times and she might have it, at least she is willing to try and learn! I gave her a hair cut. We found some lost items in her microsoft IN box, hidden in those pesky little files that close themselves!

And then a miracle happened. When you don't worry about something some times it just takes care of itself. Our housekeeper Silva's neighbor is selling her house. She needs a place to stay. She is a lovely woman who wants to stay in Kensington. Yippie! She called my cell phone, came over and saw the apt., and it is a good fit.

I think she moves in on November 24, 2009. Wahooo.


  1. That's great! I would like that recipe. Congrats to Gram.

  2. We had something similar to that casserole tonight for dinner. Minus the cheddar. Good stuff. :)

  3. Do forward the recipe to me too! Sounds good! Yay, I am glad for Grandma!


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland