Sunday, November 22, 2009

An early mini Thanksgiving

Tim and I always love to attend Thanksgiving at Eileens house. We just miss the left over Turkey for sammies after. SO. Today after Tim watched Dallas pull through with a win aganist the Redskins in Dallas....... we had a mini Thanksgiving dinner with Mom. Cooked up an 18 lb bird, mashed potatoes, a yummy yam/apple mashed dish (I must jot down the recipe as to how I did it, as I loved it, but Tim does not eat yams......) Tim had lima beans (his fave, not mine!), Mom made a trial run of her spaikopita for Eileens and an interesting cabbage cheese dish. And I made a gigundo batch of my cranberry sauce, Mom and Jasen at work (my 2 official tasters since Tim won't eat that either) both say it is great. So my Thanksgiving/Christmas presents for everyone at work are done. One less thing to stress over after Thanksgiving. All 10 of my employees will get a generous dish of yummy cranberry chutney/sauce for their Thanksgiving table.

That is it in a nutshell for today. No photos, but will on Thursday.

Friday was another story. Long story short, all is well. BUT. My sister Kate landed herself in the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) She had an episode of high blood pressure. 220/110. NOT GOOD. Many tests later and a 24 hour monitor in the CICU where every one commented on the fact that she was so young and walking and able to care for herself. She drove herself home on Sat. and took it easy today. Needless to say there will be more to follow. But OY, she tests my strength. Once again I get to call Holly and tell her Kate is in the ER and we don't know what is wrong with her. I delivered the whole story to Mom in person. She took it well.

I hope all goes well with the rest of her tests. But please keep her near the top of your prayer lists!

And now it is back to work on Monday! But a short week for a real Thanksgiving at Eileens with 15 or so. A small group, but will be so very nice as usual.


  1. Boy do i feel your pain with the ER drama. It is really not fun to worry over family members. Our thoughts and prayers will be with Aunt Kate! Give her our love and the same to you and Tim and Grandma!

  2. Sounds like you got a great start to your Thanksgiving. I'm sorry to hear that Aunt Kitty had to spend a day in the hospital, hopefully it was a one time thing. We will keep her in our prayers. Have a great Thanksgiving.


About Me

very happily married in the suburbs of Maryland